All text, information, advice, tips and programs provided in The Bro Cookbook and the www.thebrocookbook.com website is for educational purposes only. Aseel Soueid is not a doctor and nothing provided in The Bro Cookbook and the www.thebrocookbook.com website is medical advice. Everything in The Bro Cookbook and the www.thebrocookbook.com website is based off of Aseel Soueid’s personal experiences and everything you follow from The Bro Cookbook and the www.thebrocookbook.com website is at your own risk. If you have any diseases or illnesses that affect your health, please see a physician as this book is for healthy adults looking for advice based on the experience of Aseel Soueid. Aseel Soueid, the author of The Bro Cookbook and the www.thebrocookbook.com website, does not accept any responsibility for the liabilities, physical or mental injuries or damages coming from the use of the information in The Bro Cookbook and the www.thebrocookbook.com website.